Nichijou centers on the enthusiastic Yko Aioi, the bright and cheerful Mio Naganohara, the quiet and deadpan Mai Minakami, the anxious android Nano Shinonome, her young creator the Professor, and a ta...

8.30 8.46 489

The plot centers on renowned vampire hunter Ronaldo, who is tasked with eliminating the apparently unstoppable vampire ruler Draluc and rescuing a little boy who has been kidnapped by him. However, wh...

6.80 7.23 511

When aliens known as the Oni threaten to invade the Earth, they promise to leave under one condition—a randomly-chosen human must win a one-on-one game of tag against Lum, the beautiful daughter of ...

7.30 7.29 808

In Yuru Yuri, the Amusement Club's female members return with fresh ideas for entertaining themselves. They are made up of Kyouko Toshinou, who is constantly energized, Yui Funami, who is composed and...

7.60 7.77 461

The narrative centers on Yuzuko, Yukari, and Yui, three students who join the data processing club at their high school. Even the most routine activities can be made absurdly funny thanks to the three...

6.60 7.36 303

Alyssa, a solitary witch dwelling in the depths of the forest, stumbles upon a human infant one fateful day. Despite her initial bewilderment, Alyssa bestows upon the child the name Viola and makes th...

6.60 6.66 638

Every family is acquiring a robotic OrderMaid, and 10-year-old Bondo Taira has discovered that his two closest pals, Motsuo and Gachi Gorilla, also possess OrderMaids. Meico, a lovely robot that gives...

7.20 6.37 475

Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest, picks up a human baby one day. Despite her confusion, Alyssa named the baby Viola and decided to raise her. 16 years later, Viola had not only grown into...

6.70 6.41 495

Two years have passed following the Tendoshuu's invasion of the O-Edo Central Terminal. Since then, the Yorozuya have gone their separate ways. Foreseeing Utsuro's return, Gintoki Sakata begins survey...

8.05 9.04 243

When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group ...

6.12 6.37 155

Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent years, it was converted into a co-ed school. The first year male students would find themselves surrou...

7.59 7.83 348

It seems there’s no synopsis available for this title. To help improve the database, you can consider writing a brief overview that captures the main themes and storyline. Here’s a suggestion: ...

7.58 7.77 268